So I just thought I’d give you a bit about my background. In 2021 I studied NLP. And then later that year, I studied hypnotherapy. I then went and completed my Master Practitioner in NLP and Timeline Therapy® I have found it to be so useful to my personal development. But it’s also given me a new career change. I was previously in hospitality and I wasn’t really enjoying it. Although I’m very proficient at my job as a Chef and also barista in my own business. I would say I was a perfectionist and wanted things done well, so it would really agitate me if it wasn’t done right, or my way. And this has changed quite considerably, I’m able to let things go now more easily. And I really enjoy the work now that I’m doing. And I can make transformations in people’s lives as well as my own.

This has been quite a cathartic experience for me over the years as I’ve been addressing all areas of my life. And it’s interesting, because people often think that, people that have done bad things that you can’t forgive them. Because it’s like condoning their behaviour. And it’s not condoning their behaviour. What it is, is it’s for you, you alone. And when you are able to let go of that, and you can let go of resentment, anger, all sorts of negative emotions that have come up because of an experience that you had with that person. And it seems like a really simple thing. But sometimes in life, it is the simple things that make a big difference.
I have focused on the area of relationships, because everybody needs to work on their relationships, whether they admit it or not. And I think that it’s really important. And that when you focus on your intimate relationship, then every other relationship becomes better too. And one of the things that happens in relationships so often is that we blame our partner for everything that goes wrong. And we don’t take responsibility. And this can be quite damaging, it’s not easy to listen to either, like, if you’ve got friends that you talk about it and you blame your partner all the time, then they soon want to tune out, because that’s really boring. But if we’re always grateful for what we have, and not look for the negatives in life, then you can find so much goodness. And when you do, you actually attract more. Because gratitude creates new opportunities. And it creates the life we live. So I am creating a respect program. And it’s about relationships. And one of the number one things that really moved me on from being angry all the time was forgiveness.
Because really, what are we here for? And, you know, whether you’re religious or not, it’s about creating love for your fellow man. Compassion and understanding. Because we all have our dark secrets. And we all have our experiences that have happened or things that have gone wrong in our lives. But we also have a lot of joy and so many amazing things and when we focus on those things, that’s when more joy comes into our lives. Then we get to experience a life we create by our own design. Only limited by our imagination.